LIFESTYLE ASIA | making waves: artist chan wai lap on hong kong pools and youtube swimming lessons
2022年5月31日A finalist for the 2022 Sovereign Asian Art Prize, Chan Wai Lap is making waves as an up-and-coming ...閱讀全文 -
Another Day: Hong Kong Artists Respond to Life Under Pandemic, Zolima City Mag, 2020
2021年7月13日 閱讀全文 -
Galleries Gal Art in Hong Kong|Exhibition “The Lonesome Changing Room 2”
2021年6月24日Have you ever pretended that you are absolutely not embarrassed and don’t feel awkward at all ...閱讀全文 -
星島日報副刊|私隱共享 寂寞更衣室
2021年6月5日香港藝術家陳惠立個人展覽《寂寞更衣室2》,把個人私密空間融入公開的展廳,由空間錯配延伸至對社會文化與個人私隱的探討,此展覽將展出陳惠立最近一年的新作品,作品媒介橫跨繪畫、雕塑、裝置藝術等不同領域。 陳...閱讀全文
MARTIN CID MAGAZINE|“The Lonesome Changing Room 2”
2021年5月29日After the huge success of his solo project, Chan Wai Lap has recreated the Lonesome Changing R...閱讀全文 -
Ri Galerie|The Lonesome Changing Room
2021年5月27日The Lonesome Changing Room (寂寞更衣室) is the solo exhibition by the Hong Kong local artist Chan Wai-lap...閱讀全文