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    Fatina Kong’s works incorporate the idea of lives and events in endless cyclesShe has been exploring the relationship between nature and human society and has built a unique perspective on the cycle of life. She wrotethings are always changing and goes around in circlesHer works therefore usually come in round forms, implying the cycle of birth and death. The buildings, crystals, stones and plants in her artwork are also presented in a way to express their interdependent relationship. Her latest work “Somewhere, Sometimes” is inspired by the Chinese poem “Flowers NFlower” by the renowned Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyiexpressing the illusion and perishability of creature:  

    “Like the flower that fades and dies, like the morning mist,  
    which comes in the darkness of night, departs at first light, 
    life that comes in spring like a dream, leaves like a morning cloud,  
    and then is nowhere to be found.” 

    Between mountains

    Fatina Kong


    Fatina Kong

    Somber Nights

    Fatina Kong

    Dawn light

    Fatina Kong

    Sun Dazzle

    Fatina Kong

    Smog, Moss

    Fatina Kong

    Before Night Falls

    Fatina Kong

    Veil of mist

    Fatina Kong

    Hear the rain

    Fatina Kong

    Deja vu

    Fatina Kong

    the Way Back Home

    Fatina Kong

    Echoes of Vanished Blossoms

    Fatina Kong

    HKD 78,000

    The Serendipitous Blossoms

    Fatina Kong

    HKD 58,000

    Dappled sunlight

    Fatina Kong

    HKD 58,000

    Embracing the Twilight

    Fatina Kong

    HKD 58,000

    Admist the ever-changing city

    Fatina Kong

    HKD 78,000

    Fatina Kong (b. 1992, Hong Kong) graduated from the Academy of Visual Art, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015. After receiving her art degree, she keeps exploring ways to combine Chinese painting with Western media. In 2018, Kong went to Xining, China to further study painting; and in the same year, she also participated in an artist residency program in Japan, which she found resonance in the Eastern painting more than ever. Inspired by the recordings and images from her daily life, her works give shape to a new landscape that merges memories and fantasy. On top of ink and Chinese pigment as painting media, she adds new layers to her works by using materials such as resin and acrylic board, to create a unique temperament that echoes with the traditional Chinese aesthetic. She has been exhibited in Hong Kong, China and Japan.