Contemporary by Angela Li is proud to present "Conceptions of Parallel Event", Liang Manqi'ssecond Hong Kong solo exhibition, showcasing eleven of her most recent oil paintings. Liang became a full-time artist after obtaining herMaster of Fine Art degree from the CDK (Chinesisch-DeutsheKunstakademie) project, a joint degree programme of the University of the Arts, Berlin and the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. Her works explore how space, media and colour convert their relationships between real and virtual contexts in polygonal dimensions. The exhibition’s opening reception will be held on the 24th of September from 5 to 8 pm and will be on view till 30th of October 2021. 

Colour blocks, lines, and geometry are the basic elements in Liang Manqi’s abstract art. With her intuition and curiosity, She constructs shapes, lines, and colour scales to create a unique sense of aesthetic in contemporary art. Her works incorporate symbols that resonate with Western rationalism and embrace Eastern philosophy, that seeking harmony in everything is the key to a state of calmness, psychological order and self-understanding. In her works, these geometric patterns are arranged irregularly yet still reflecting each other, as a result evolving into a multi-dimensional universe full of unknowns. Having colours intersected by patterns tangibly or intangibly on geometric planes, the artist's inner conflict between abstraction and concreteness, rationality and sensibility may be explained through the process of creating an emotional field.