The centre of Ling Pui Sze’s works is to break down images and reconstruct the fragments back to a whole image by a technique she refers to as “free-style puzzle”. She selects images that resemble certain patterns, including microscopic images and satellite images, and prints them onto xuan paper. She hand-tears them into thousands of pieces of “puzzles” that later compose to a brand-new collage, where certain organisms or surreal landscapes are associated at first sight. In her recent “Route” series created during an artist residency in Iceland, Ling decides to make copies of her previous collages and shatter them again into a new set of “puzzles”, transforming them into trees, mountains and seashore on the other side of the world. Throughout the process, a selected image is used repeatedly by the artist as a small unit, similar to a cell reproducing itself, leading to new forms and meanings to take shape. Such deconstructing and recomposing obey the organic routine of continuously splitting and combining in the evolution of nature.