Wong Mei Yin, Hazel Hong Kong, b. 1992

Wong Mei Yin, Hazel's works include paintings and independent publications, focusing on exploring her fantasies and feelings about living in a modern metropolis. She seeks out ordinary yet unforgettable moments in life and narrates them as stories or sequences of events.  

From facial expressions and the seemingly innocuous gestures people make to the hidden detail and beauty of the cityscape that surrounds us. Hazel’s sentiment and penchant for examining the smaller things in life are also reflected by the stereotypically small size of her work, which enables her to fixate and luxuriate on the minute details, granting them the attention they truly deserve. This microscopic approach to painting and life allows Hazel to explore and expand upon her sentiments about living in a modern metropolis; each piece of her immortalises the ordinary and nondescript yet ironically unforgettable moments in life, spinning them into colourful stories for future reminiscences.